Occassionally one of those commercial rap songs comes along that makes me think twice before taking my i-Pod along on car rides. T.I.'s "What You Know" is one of those songs. It's definitely the most marvelous beat to hit rap radio since Three Six Mafia's "Stay Fly," but the lyrics are beutifully delivered as well. This is one of those songs where you can hear exactly what Saul Williams was talking about at Barnes & Noble when he said "I see southern rap as the blues. It's not the originality of what they're saying, but how they're saying it that matters."
As a side note, if you want to get a peep at the vast, echoing absence of much popular, young black culture on the internet, just do a Google Image search for "T.I.". This is the number one song on Urban radio, in the country, and you have to go five pages of images in to find an image of this cat. Most of the images that come back as TI-85 calculators. Which is pretty awesome.
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